July 2024 Astrology Overview & Video Horoscopes
As we move into July, the Cosmic energy will bring in a series of energetic shifts that promise to keep us on our toes. This month, we’ll navigate the dreamy waters of Neptune retrograde, the fiery influence of Mercury and Venus in Leo, and the grounding energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn. Let’s take a look into what the stars have in store for us this month! When Neptune retrogrades in Pisces on July 2, our intuition and dreams become more vivid....

About Joseph

Joseph is a professional astrologer with twenty five years of experience. Using astrology, he can help individuals with issues related to identity, relationships, children, finances, occupational concerns, relocation, health and any other concerns they may have.

Joseph P. Anthony

Professional Psychic Astrologer

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Lots of Mental Activity Ahead!

2024 Astrology & Video Horoscopes

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