2025 Astrology Overview & Video Horoscopes

December 21, 2024
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
I hope you’re ready for 2025 because we will be in for a wild cosmic roller coaster ride. 2024 was a walk in the park compared to what 2025 looks like. The year can be roughly divided into two very different phases. The first half of 2025 will be marked by instability, struggles, and crises, both economically and politically. However, the second half of the year promises to be more positive and stable, with many problems gradually being resolved, the economy beginning to recover, and political issues starting to be addressed.

As the year begins we have a pesky Mars retrograde that will be opposing powerful Pluto exactly. The opposition between Mars retrograde and Pluto in January 2025 is a powerful astrological event. It highlights intense dynamics between personal will, transformation, and collective forces. This aspect may manifest as heightened confrontations, power struggles, or significant breakthroughs in self-awareness and transformation. It’s a good time for deep introspection and re-evaluating how you channel your energy and assert yourself in challenging situations.

Also in January, the North Node moves into Pisces and South Node in Virgo. The Moon’s Nodes are the hidden compass of your psyche, pointing toward paths of growth and stagnation. The South Node, the repository of subconscious memories and past inclinations, can sometimes act like a comforting but obsolete anchor. In contrast, the North Node embodies the aspirational, the evolving parts of yourself that yearn for growth and change. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dream, intuition, and compassion. Over the next 18 months we will need to embrace these themes.

There is an abundance of change in March 2025 as the month starts off with Venus going retrograde in Aries, two powerful eclipses highlighting reinvention, and Neptune blasting into fiery Aries. When the planet of love and values, Venus, goes retrograde we go through a period or re-assessing what, who and how we value ourselves and others. It is a period that many astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship. Major financial undertakings are not advised during this period either, although, we may see many economic changes taking place in the world at this time. With a Lunar eclipse in the middle of month, it is very possible an old outdated system of exchange maybe coming to an end.

Towards the end of March, a supercharged Solar Eclipse in Aries followed by Neptune entering Aries has our motivation going through the roof. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and represents the “Self” and new beginnings. This will be a time we must bring out our pioneering spirit in order to overcome any obstacles we may face. Neptune begins a 13-year transit in trendsetting Aries.

While Neptune is in Aries, we idealize independence, courage, bravery, freedom, and fresh starts. However, we may not see ourselves clearly, or we might struggle with defining ourselves and our boundaries during this period. We might also inflate our importance in times of insecurity, which can be quite detrimental. Presenting false images of ourselves that we end up identifying with can be especially tempting during this period.

It can be a time of great wonder and impulse–we tend to boldly follow our intuition wherever it leads us. We have faith in our ability to innovate, lead, start anew, and win. We can be talented at inspiring others to action and promoting our beliefs, ideas, and missions. It can be a time of decidedly new, exciting, and modern styles in fashion, art, and music and perhaps radical or pioneering changes in beliefs, religion, and philosophy.

Jupiter, the most potent planet in our solar system, will be in the sign of Gemini beginning the New Year. During the first part of 2025, Jupiter will produce a number of adverse aspects with Saturn, whereas Saturn stands for antiquated political and economic structures, Jupiter represents emerging developments. Their disagreement represents a struggle between the modern and the ancient.

The outdated system needs to be replaced because it has reached the end of its useful life. However, outmoded political and economic systems rarely give up easily, which results in violent conflicts all across the world. New, frequently revolutionary movements will affect all facets of society; therefore this conflict is not limited to politics. The political climate of the majority of nations will shift in 2025, and many people’s lives will also undergo adjustments. The world as a whole will gain from the process of replacing old political and financial systems with new ones.

January, February, and March will be the most difficult months of 2025 as retrograde Mars in Cancer and Venus retrograde in Aries move backwards exacerbating the conflict between Jupiter and Saturn. Unrest could result from this in many places, especially in the USA, the EU, and England. Political unrest, religiously motivated confrontations, and massive protests are all a possibility. Military conflicts in hotspots around the world may intensify during this time.

However, a phase of realization and stabilization will occur between mid-April through June, during which time society and politicians will begin to acknowledge the need for change. The situation will start to stabilize and improve in the second half of the year, even though adjustments will not occur immediately or in every location. Both Jupiter and Saturn will switch signs in 2025. Towards the end of May, Saturn will enter Aries and Jupiter will enter Cancer in the beginning of June.

When Saturn, the planet of discipline enters the sign of action we are expected to assume more leadership positions and take on new tasks. But Saturn is not an easy planet; its energy forces us to experience frustration when pursuing our individual goals. We can feel uncomfortable with big shows of individuality or me-centered behavior. However, this period also presents a unique opportunity for personal growth, as is always the case with Saturn. As we learn to balance our individual needs with collective responsibilities, we can overcome this discomfort.

Jupiter in Cancer on the other hand brings opportunities to grow and succeed through emotional channels, expanding our own foundations, and building our families. We are more inclined to believe that emotional intelligence is the major keys to solving problems. Connecting intimately is valued. We place strong emphasis and value on the emotions and instincts to nurture. With a Water sign Jupiter, we have a strong belief in a higher power.

Jupiter not only likes to expand, it likes to learn, so when Jupiter is paired with Cancer, we may be more interested in learning about our roots, exploring genealogy, learning about family traditions, and the like. We might value real estate, owning a home, expanding our home, and building a family. We might have more faith in our family, as its value increases in our eyes.

In July, modernizer Uranus enters Gemini, revolutionizing the ways we communicate, connect, learn, and teach. From July to November 2025, Uranus in Gemini will stir up our ideas, knowledge, and infrastructures. It revolutionizes our transportation and communication systems and sense of connectedness. There can be great progress and unpredictability. During this 7 to 8-year cycle, learning and education can be disrupted, dramatically changed, or non-traditional.

It’s a time that demands adaptability and open-mindedness. Information bites rather than chunks can be prevalent, and our communication styles, especially the ways we extend gestures and pleasantries, can change dramatically. Ideas can spread very quickly and create dramatic change during this period. There can be more movement, migration, and busy-ness in general. Sudden changes in alliances can occur, along with disruptions in friend groups. Revolutions regarding air quality, sound waves and new technologies will be much-needed revelations. By August we are adapting to a new situation or structure that seems doable.

Towards the end of 2025 our focus will be on health and well-being thanks to another set of eclipses in September. There will be a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces at the beginning of September where endings and our emotions will be front and center. We’ll cap the season off with a Solar Eclipse in Virgo towards the end of September, prepping us for a new fresh start within our health and wellbeing. There’s something in here for everyone this fall season.

As we wind down the year of 2025, several outer planets will go retrograde and revisit previous signs. Uranus will retrograde back into Taurus for the last time, and Saturn and Neptune will return to Pisces. These planet reversals will give us an opportunity to review all the changes that have occurred throughout the first part of the year as we say goodbye to the old ways of doing things. 2025 will be a very significant and memorable year as we reflect and recalibrate on what you choose to spend your energy on and how you give to others.

Major Transits, Eclipses, and Mercury Retrogrades
January 6 – Mars Retrogrades back into Cancer
January 11 – North Node enters Pisces/Virgo South Node
February 7 – North Node Conjunct Neptune
March 1 – Venus Retrograde in Aries
March 14 – Lunar Eclipse in Virgo
March 15 – April 7: Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Pisces
March 29 – Solar Eclipse in Aries
March 30 – Neptune enters Aries
April 4 – Saturn sextile Uranus
April 18 – Mars Re-enters Leo
April 21 – Saturn Conjunct North Node
May 1 – Uranus sextile North Node
May 18 – Jupiter Square North Node
May 24 – Saturn enters Aries
June 9 –Jupiter enters Cancer
June 15- Jupiter Square Saturn
June 18 – Jupiter Square Neptune
July 7 – Uranus enters Gemini
July 18 –August 11: Mercury Retrograde in Leo
July 24 – Jupiter Quincunx Pluto
August 11 – Saturn sextile Uranus
August 28 – Uranus sextile Neptune
September 3 – Jupiter Trine North Node
September 7- Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
September 21 – Solar Eclipse in Virgo
October 23 – Jupiter Square Chiron
November 9–29: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio
November 20 – Uranus sextile Neptune
December 21 – Jupiter Square Chiron

     2025 Video Horoscopes

Have a Wonderful Year!!

Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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