November 2024 Astrology Overview & Video Horoscopes

October 18, 2024
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
We have a powerful month ahead! Not only is it election season in the US, but we start off the month with a strong New Moon in Scorpio along with a challenging Mars Pluto opposition. We also have Pluto moving into Aquarius for the next nineteen plus years, a surprising Full Moon in Taurus and Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius. November 2024 presents an interesting mixture of intense introspection, transformative opportunities, and a call for exploration. As the month unfolds, be mindful of the energies at play and how they might influence your personal and collective experiences.

Here are the main Astrological Events this month:
• New Moon in Scorpio (November 1):
Focus on transformation, emotional healing, and setting intentions for deep, intimate connections and personal empowerment.
• Mars Enters Leo (November 3):
Increased confidence, creativity, and a desire for recognition. A good time for taking bold actions and pursuing passions.
• Mars Opposes Pluto (November 3):
Intense energy that may lead to power struggles or deep confrontations. It’s an opportunity for transformative actions but requires caution to avoid aggression.
• Venus Enters Capricorn (November 11):
A more serious approach to relationships and finances. Focus on commitment, long-term goals, and practical considerations in love and aesthetics.
• Saturn Goes Direct in Pisces (November 15):
A shift from introspection to action. Time to integrate lessons learned about boundaries, emotional maturity, and personal responsibility.
• Full Moon in Taurus (November 15):
Culmination and release related to values, material possessions, and security. A good time to assess what truly brings comfort and stability.
• Pluto Enters Aquarius (November 19):
A long-term transit that emphasizes revolutionary changes in technology, society, and personal freedoms. Time for breaking free from outdated structures.
• Sun Enters Sagittarius (November 21):
A shift toward optimism, adventure, and broadening horizons. Encourages exploration, travel, and philosophical discussions.
• Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius (November 25 – December 15):
A period of reflection, review, and potential misunderstandings. Focus on re-evaluating beliefs, travel plans, and educational pursuits.

One the first day of the month we begin with the New Moon in Scorpio, setting the tone for introspection and deep passionate awareness. The Mars-Pluto opposition during this lunation can bring hidden emotions to the surface, while Venus in Sagittarius emphasizes the importance of more open-mindedness when dealing with others.

This New Moon harmonizes with Saturn, and we’re more able to pace ourselves and moderate our impulses. In the sign of Scorpio, matters related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong focus in the period ahead of this New Moon. New beginnings or fresh starts are possible in these areas.

The New Moon in Scorpio marks the beginning of a cycle, presenting an opportune time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Scorpion–passion, resourceful, focused, probing, depth, and perception. Scorpio New Moon cycles favor working on our self-mastery skills.

We may want to pinpoint those things that make us feel out of control, such as addictions and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of these emotional burdens. There can be an opportunity to rid ourselves of “junk” in our lives–material and spiritual. With this potent Scorpio energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives.

Each sign teaches us valuable things, and one of Scorpio’s “lessons” involves learning to dig deeper into the mysteries around us instead of always being content with the status quo. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and meaning. Scorpio also teaches us that dedication to one meaningful relationship or undertaking can be significantly more satisfying than spreading ourselves around. Here, “quality over quantity” applies.

Our thoughts quicken on November 2, when Mercury enters Sagittarius, shifting communication and thinking patterns toward more expansive, optimistic, and adventurous themes. While Mercury in Scorpio (its previous sign) tends to be intense, secretive, and investigative, Sagittarius energy is more open, philosophical, and focused on the big picture.

During this time, you may feel a desire to explore new ideas, broaden your horizons, and seek truth. Conversations could center on topics like travel, higher education, belief systems, and global perspectives. There’s an enthusiasm in how people express themselves, though it can also lead to speaking bluntly or overestimating what’s possible.

It’s a great time for studying new subjects, planning future adventures, or engaging in meaningful discussions about life philosophies. However, be mindful of details, as Mercury in Sagittarius tends to overlook the finer points in favor of broader ideals.

The cosmic battle intensifies on November 3, when Mars will oppose Pluto exactly, creating an intense, potentially volatile astrological aspect. This opposition brings two powerful forces into direct tension: Mars, representing action, assertiveness, and desire, and Pluto, embodying transformation, power, and control. When these two clash, the result can be conflict, power struggles, and deep psychological confrontations.

The Mars-Pluto opposition often triggers intense emotions and the urge to dominate or resist control, especially in situations where power dynamics are already at play. People may feel driven to confront challenges head-on, but the energy can be overwhelming or destructive if not handled with care.

On a personal level, this aspect might stir up repressed feelings, and issues around control or manipulation that may surface in relationships or work. However, it also provides a powerful opportunity for transformation, particularly if you’re willing to face underlying issues, channel the energy constructively, and avoid acting out in impulsive or aggressive ways.

This aspect may feel particularly intense because of Scorpio’s influence, as both Mars and Pluto are rulers of Scorpio, enhancing the themes of deep emotional confrontation and potential rebirth.

Later in the evening of November 3, Mars enters Leo, bringing a shift in energy toward boldness, creativity, and a desire to take center stage. Mars in Leo is dynamic, confident, and loves to express itself with flair. This placement encourages people to pursue their passions with enthusiasm and assertiveness, making it an excellent time for creative projects, leadership roles, and even romance.

Mars in Leo thrives on recognition and admiration, so during this period, you may feel more driven to take charge, shine in your personal or professional life, and stand out in a dramatic or charismatic way. There’s an emphasis on courage and self-expression, and people may be more willing to take risks or make bold moves.

However, the Leo influence can also bring pride and a need for validation, so it’s important to balance self-confidence with humility to avoid conflicts, especially if ego-driven impulses arise.  Since this happens on the same day as Mars opposes Pluto, the intense, transformative energy of the opposition could add a layer of emotional depth to Leo’s fiery nature, making this a time for assertive, dramatic actions but also for confronting deep power struggles.

Practicality returns to partnerships on November 11, when Venus enters Capricorn, bringing a more grounded, realist, and ambitious approach to relationships, finances, and aesthetics. Venus in Capricorn values stability, commitment, and long-term goals, making this a time when people seek to build solid foundations in their romantic partnerships and financial plans.

In relationships, this placement encourages seriousness and responsibility. There is a focus on loyalty, trust, and respect, and many may find themselves assessing the longevity and future potential of their romantic connections. It’s a great time for making practical decisions in love, such as setting future goals together or taking a relationship to the next level. However, Venus in Capricorn can sometimes feel reserved or cautious, so emotions may not be expressed as freely as in more spontaneous signs.

When it comes to finances and career, Venus in Capricorn supports disciplined approaches, like saving for the future, making smart investments, or seeking out career opportunities that align with long-term aspirations. It’s a time for appreciating quality and durability over quick thrills or fleeting pleasures. Overall, this transit encourages taking love, beauty, and financial matters seriously and strategically.

The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn goes direct in Pisces on November 15, after its long retrograde phase. When Saturn stations direct, it marks a time when the lessons and challenges that emerged during its retrograde can be integrated and acted upon. Saturn in Pisces is about merging structure with spirituality, discipline with creativity, and responsibility with emotional or intuitive understanding.

During Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces, you may have been reflecting on boundaries, emotional maturity, and how to bring order to more abstract or fluid areas of life, such as your dreams, spirituality, or emotional well-being. As Saturn moves direct, it’s time to take what you’ve learned during this period of introspection and begin applying it more concretely in your life.

This shift can lead to the manifestation of goals that were delayed or revised, especially those related to personal healing, emotional boundaries, or creative endeavors. It’s a time to find practical ways to support your spiritual or emotional needs, build sustainable routines, and ground your visions in reality.

With Saturn’s direct motion, you may feel a sense of progress or relief as you begin to see the results of your efforts in these areas. Are there any specific goals or structures you’ve been refining during this retrograde period that you’re ready to move forward with now? It’s time to act.

Also on November 15, The Full Moon in Taurus may hold many surprises thanks to its conjunction to Uranus. Full Moons are a time of culmination, release, and heightened awareness, and with the Full Moon in the earthy, grounded sign of Taurus, the focus is on stability, security, and the material aspects of life.

Taurus is associated with values, finances, possessions, comfort, and sensuality, so during this Full Moon, there may be revelations or completions related to these themes. It’s a good time to assess your relationship with material wealth, self-worth, and the things that bring you physical and emotional security. You might find yourself letting go of outdated attachments or habits around money or possessions to make room for something more aligned with your values.

This Full Moon can also bring an appreciation for the simple pleasures of life—nature, food, physical touch, and the beauty of the material world. It encourages grounding and focusing on what truly sustains you. However, there could also be tension between the desire for security and the need for change, especially as this Full Moon happens shortly after Saturn goes direct in Pisces, creating a dynamic where both structure and flow are being called into balance.

Taurus’ calm, steady energy may help you stabilize any emotional or practical shifts you’ve been experiencing and provide clarity about what truly matters in your life. This is a passionate and creative Full Moon, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences. Intimate relationship matters, such as personal comfort levels and values and sexuality, figure prominently now.

The Moon aligns very tightly with Uranus at the time of this lunation, adding an element of surprise to our feelings and revelations. The desire to experience something new, exciting, and bold can figure strongly. There can be a strong urge–or need–to break free from old patterns in our relationships. This Full Moon also harmonizes with Neptune and Pluto, suggesting a strong sense of mission is with us as we discover, explore, and embrace our feelings.

On November 19, Pluto enters Aquarius for a long-term transit that will last until 2044, marking a significant shift in collective energy and transformative power. Pluto, the planet of transformation, rebirth, and deep psychological processes, moving into the forward-thinking, innovative sign of Aquarius brings a focus on radical change, technological evolution, and societal reform.

Pluto in Aquarius is likely to revolutionize many areas of life, especially those related to technology, social structures, and community dynamics. Aquarius is associated with humanitarian ideals, innovation, and collective consciousness, so during this transit, we may see dramatic shifts in how societies are organized, how technology impacts our lives, and how we address global challenges. This could involve advancements in artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and social justice movements, as well as disruptions to existing power structures.

On a personal level, Pluto in Aquarius encourages individuals to break free from outdated systems and embrace their uniqueness. It’s a time for personal transformation through embracing progressive ideas, new technologies, and a stronger sense of community involvement. You might feel a push to detach from rigid expectations and pursue more freedom, autonomy, and authenticity.

Pluto’s influence can be intense, often bringing deep psychological shifts, so this transit might challenge old belief systems, especially those related to group identity, individualism, and the collective future. It may also force us to confront issues around power, equality, and freedom in new ways. How do you feel about the potential for Pluto’s transformative energy in Aquarius, especially in relation to societal and technological shifts?

Our sense of curiosity and adventure increases on November 21, when the Sun enters optimistic Sagittarius. We’re in Sagittarius season now, which lasts until December 21, bringing a more expansive, enthusiastic, and explorative vibe compared to the introspective and intense energy of Scorpio.

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is all about seeking truth, freedom, and broadening one’s horizons. It encourages a spirit of adventure, curiosity, and growth. During this time, you may feel inspired to explore new ideas, travel, learn, or engage in philosophical discussions. There’s a focus on personal growth, expanding your mind, and pursuing the bigger picture of life.

This period is excellent for setting new goals, especially those related to education, travel, and self-improvement. It’s also a great time for finding joy in spontaneity and seeking experiences that bring a sense of liberation. However, there’s a potential for overindulgence or over-commitment, so balance is key.

With the Sun in Sagittarius, the energy becomes more light-hearted, adventurous, and future-oriented, encouraging you to embrace life’s possibilities with optimism. Are you planning to tap into this Sagittarian energy in any particular way, perhaps through travel, learning, or setting new goals?

It will be time to go down memory lane once again as Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius on November 25, which will last until December 15, 2024. Mercury retrograde periods are typically associated with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and the need to review and reflect rather than initiate new projects. When this retrograde occurs in Sagittarius, the themes are particularly focused on communication related to beliefs, travel, education, and philosophical discussions.

Key Themes during this Retrograde:
Miscommunication in Ideals: You may find discussions about beliefs, ideologies, or travel plans become muddled. It’s essential to be clear in your communications and to double-check information before accepting it as truth.

• Reviewing Beliefs: This period may prompt you to reflect on your personal philosophies or beliefs. You might reconsider what you value or how you see the world, leading to deeper insights or potential shifts in perspective.

• Travel Delays: If you have travel plans during this time, be prepared for possible delays, cancellations, or miscommunication regarding itineraries.

• Revisiting Education: It’s an excellent time to review past educational experiences, perhaps returning to old studies or considering new ones. You might also find yourself reconnecting with teachers or mentors.

• Philosophical Conversations: While discussions may be challenging, they can also lead to significant breakthroughs if approached with patience and openness. Be willing to re-evaluate your stance and consider different viewpoints.

Here are some tips for navigating this Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius:
Stay Flexible with potential travel issues and misunderstandings, being adaptable is crucial. Double-check plans whether it’s travel or projects, take the time to review details and confirm arrangements. Reflect and journal, use this period to explore your beliefs and values through writing or discussions with trusted friends. Practice patience, Miscommunications can lead to frustration, so aim to respond with understanding rather than reacting impulsively.

As you can see November has many ups and downs and lots to discover, how you will explore this transformational month?

 November 2024 Video Horoscopes
coming soon!

Have a Great Month Folks!

Joseph p. Anthony
(A.K.A Astrologer Joe)

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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