December 2019 Astrology Overview

November 30, 2019
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
We’re finally here the last month of 2019. It’s been one hell of a year, lots of changes, uncertainty, and endings. December is a powerful month filled with dynamic energy and several significant cosmic events. The month begins with Jupiter, the planet of luck and opportunity leaving its home territory of Sagittarius and entering into a new sign, Capricorn. This Jupiter transit over the next twelve months in Capricorn will open new doors and help with the changes that are destined to be in old established businesses and institutions. On a personal side this alignment can be used to develop your own career objectives; going after your dream job, starting your own business, or becoming more prominent in your social circles or family.

By mid-month the energy level is kicked up another notch as Mercury finally makes its way out of psychological Scorpio and into optimistic Sagittarius, a few days later, the Full Moon in Gemini increases our curiosity about the future and what lies ahead in 2020. We may find ourselves longing to break free of chaos and to find a place of refuge where intelligent conversation, laughter, and a wise perspective of life exist. Further insight can be had when Jupiter trine unpredictable Uranus a few days after the Full Moon. This is an especially good transit if you feel your life has stagnated. You may already have anticipated something exciting on the horizon and been growing restless. Unexpected opportunities will offer you a new path forward and satisfy your need for positive change.

The Winter Solstice marks a turning point as the Sun begins its ascent towards its highest point in the heavens (Northern Hemisphere) which occurs at the Summer Solstice. Towards the end of the year a life changing New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn sets the stage for important changes in the coming year. This New Moon is conjunct Jupiter in this eclipse, offering protection and confidence to ring in 2020 with hope and enthusiasm. That said, Jupiter does have a side to it that can over do things. It will be easy to over commit, over spend, over eat, over exercise, and more. Think about what you want in your life and stretch it to the limit. This is one of the best New Moons for manifesting; put it all out there on your vision board, all you want to do, have, achieve, and more.

All the cosmic action begins on December 2nd as Jupiter enters Capricorn and stays in this cardinal earth sign until December 19th, 2020. Jupiter’s effects are to expand our experiences, our knowledge, and our understanding. Jupiter represents optimism, growth, generosity, and abundance. In Sagittarius, Jupiter urged us to increase our cultural and spiritual awareness, to expand our higher minds, to broaden our experiences, and to have faith in the universe. Now, with Jupiter in Capricorn, a new focus comes into play. Capricorn is an Earth sign. With an Earth sign Jupiter, we are practical realists who need to visualize results in order to feel motivated to achieve them. This is how we grow and expand. We are “doers” who are not easily lured by “get rich quick” schemes!

During this cycle, we are not risk takers–we need direction, clear goals, and strong plans, and we value tangible results. While Jupiter is visiting Capricorn, we value achievement in the long term and we’re especially proud of ourselves when we’re taking responsibility for our actions. We succeed through resourcefulness and reducing waste. We may very well get a window into areas where we have been limiting ourselves due to wasting our time, energy, and resources. Some form of streamlining is important at this time, particularly with Saturn’s transit of Capricorn taking place concurrently for most of the Jupiter in Capricorn transit. We may see more Capricorn themes and topics such as politics, public figures, performers and institutions in the media as we become more and more fascinated with Capricorn energies.

Serious decisions will be made on December 9th when Mercury enters Sagittarius. There’s no beating around the bush when Mercury moves into fiery Sagittarius. As the God of messages enters the sign of wisdom and philosophy, we all start thinking a little broader and smarter. Words will fly as Mercury’s winged feet combine with the prancing hooves of Sagittarius. For the next couple of weeks, refrains of “it’s the principle of the thing” will surely echo throughout the mountain tops. Just don’t shoot yourself in the foot over it

On December 11th the Full Moon in logical, tech-savvy Gemini hits the sky. This will highlight a ton of information that you didn’t have before. And thanks to Mercury in Sagittarius this month, you’ll be more inclined to share those thoughts with anyone that will listen. Asking questions, presenting ideas, or striking up conversations with strangers are much easier during this time. But because Gemini’s energy can be a bit erratic some signs may have more difficulty getting their points across. This Full Moon will make a connection to Neptune, making this lunation favorable for meditating, journaling, lucid dreaming, and simply to share ideas that if implemented would make the world a better place.

One of the most exciting transits will occur on December 15th when Jupiter aligns with Uranus. Jupiter trine Uranus transit brings lucky breaks and stimulating encounters. This is a good time to try something new and different. This could range from a new hairstyle to an overseas adventure. You can take risks now and feel optimistic about success. You will have the extra freedom and willingness to push the boundaries and explore new territory. This is an especially good transit if you feel your life has stagnated. You may already have anticipated something exciting on the horizon and been growing restless. Unexpected opportunities will offer you a new path forward and satisfy your need for positive change.

If you are a shy or conservative person you can now loosen up and listen more to your instincts. This is one time in your life when you should take risks and try being less restrained. You do not have to consciously set out to rebel against tradition and break the rules. Exciting opportunities will open up in front of you and you will be feeling more adventurous than usual. This is a good time to learn things quickly through experience, such a new language, art, music or dance.

Late on December 19th Venus shifts into friendly Aquarius just in time to emphasize friendships and opening up to new experiences. After spending time with the business and reality of Capricorn, Venus is on the move again toward more fun and freedom. Her move into Aquarius brings a lighter and perhaps somewhat rebellious feeling. She knows exactly what she wants here, and it isn’t anything stodgy! The tone for the time Venus spends in Aquarius is one of avant-garde beauty and the desire to bring fantastic new things into your life. This is a time when we can be independent and original without being abrasive about it. Venus in Aquarius loves to mingle so put your extrovert cap on for the next few weeks as there will be plenty of opportunities to meet and greet interesting characters.

The Winter Solstice (North Hemisphere) arrives on December 21st as the Sun enters Capricorn. As the Sun moves into this cardinal earth sign we feel the calming energy of the earth and the need to take care of business. During this transit, we’ll feel the urge to get started on practical, heavy duty projects. This is a serious, no-frills kind of energy. A sense of being responsible and reliable fills the air. We become cautious and keenly aware of the need for safety and security. The sign of Capricorn relates to the process of managing things — businesses, projects, and people. It’s the director, putting all the pieces in the right places. The payoff is big if you do it right.

Huge news arrives on December 25th as the New Moon Solar Eclipse highlights the sign of Capricorn. What makes this eclipse very fortuitous will be the fact that the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter, the planet of growth, abundance and good luck. A favorable aspect to Uranus adds positive change and excitement. This lunation’s keyword is “serendipity” because it activates the Jupiter /Uranus trine bringing with it unexpected good luck and happy coincidences when you least expect it. The New Moon is a partial Solar Eclipse so its effects last for six months instead of the normal four weeks. That works out very well indeed because this is one of the best eclipses to come around in a long while. It also marks the beginning of a new cycle lasting until the Lunar Eclipse on June 5, 2020.

Finally, we’ll be rolling up our sleeves and getting some work done on December 28th when Mercury enters stern Capricorn. This is a time for serious contemplation. Mercury’s move into Capricorn signals a change of our thought process to one of getting down to business. Our minds begin to churn with ideas of how to make the world go around. And invariably, these ideas relate to finding the simplest, most practical way to do it. Capricorn is an earth sign and its energy is rather heavy, so you may find it hard for some of those ideas to actually sift through into words. They will though, if you give it some time. After all, there are so many pieces of the puzzle to fit together. And no one is better at coordinating the production of a major puzzle than Capricorn.


Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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