February 2023 Astrology Overview & Monthly Video Horoscopes

January 29, 2023
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
We were off to a slow start as we began the New Year, but this month its full speed ahead. The cosmic brakes have been released! There are NO planets in retrograde this month…in fact, there are no planets in retrograde until April 21, 2023. This is great news as we can now go after our goals, visions and dreams for the future. When all planets are in forward motion we are more motivated towards action and exploration…whooo-hooo!

Welcome to the beginning of a new reality. February 2023, which in many ways feels like the true beginning of year thanks to Mars, the planet of action, and Mercury, the planet of communication, that are now moving forward and functioning at full capacity. Co-hosting this new reality this month is the Sun moving through the open-minded sign of Aquarius until February 18, and then it enters the dreamy mutable water sign of Pisces until March 20. This is the perfect month for letting our imaginations run wild — and allowing our intuition to fuel our aspirations.

In order to begin anew we must first let go of old beliefs, situations, people, jobs, etc. This will certainly be the case during this month’s expressive Full Moon in Leo. On February 5, a passionate Full Moon in Leo opposes the Aquarius Sun marking a sensitive time where romance, fertility, relationships and long-term desires are brought to the surface.

The Leo-Aquarius polarity deals with the balance between all that is personal (Leo) and all that is impersonal (Aquarius). The energy of the Leo Moon is creative self-expression and the boost to the individual ego that we receive through pleasure, romance, and creativity while the Aquarius Sun rules the group, more impersonal friendships, and objectivity. This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between romance and friendship, and between expressing ourselves in personal and impersonal ways.

During this lunation we find ourselves letting things out of our system. Over the coming weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing what is coming out of us is not particularly rational yet. This Full Moon will be very unpredictable thanks to a square to Uranus, adding some rebellious, unexpected, premature, or abrupt energy to our epiphanies and revelations.

Our minds will be super-fertile on February 11 when Mercury enters the intellectual sign of Aquarius. As Mercury moves into this air sign we can feel our feet come off the ground and our minds fly free. Mercury in Aquarius brings us into the realm of the genius, at least for a little while. When the planet of thinking and reason meets up with the sign of invention, we can expect our ideas to shine with a certain zany brilliance. Don’t discard them just because the old guard can’t figure them out. They just may be diamonds in the rough.

And speaking of flying free, on February 18 the creative Sun enters the imaginative sign of Pisces. Pisces is a mutable, water sign. Mutable means changeable, flexible. Water has no shape of its own, yet it permeates everything and absorbs everything. Its power is deceiving and seductive. As with the other water signs, when the Sun is in Pisces we tend to absorb the emotions of those around us. We don’t just understand how they feel, we feel what they feel. This is how we learn about compassion. But it can also be a tremendous burden, for not only do we lose ourselves in the process; we want to fix the problems. We can take on responsibility for the whole world if we’re not careful. While the Sun is in Pisces, it is important for us all to take some time alone, to recharge our own batteries, and to find ourselves again.

This month’s New Moon on February 20 will also highlight this mystical sign. The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Fish. These include taking a leap of faith, accepting imperfections in ourselves and in others as a different kind of “perfection,” starting a project that requires imagination and visualization skills, consciously putting time aside for peaceful and rejuvenating activities, and sharing a dream with another.

With this potent Pisces energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives now. With all the major planets in direct motion during this lunation we are feeling a strong need to move forward. This New Moon is separating from an alignment with Saturn, suggesting a sense that we have our responsibilities in mind, but that we’re also picking up steam in the faith or inspiration department.

Less than an hour after the New Moon Venus enters aggressive Aries. Where Venus goes, our hearts go. Her energy relates to the kind of surroundings that make us feel comfortable. She is a yin planet, meaning that she is not so much pro-active, but rather, that what she wants she draws to her. One of the things Venus wants is social interaction. She wants the happy, fun, “meaningful” part of relationships. She is lovely, refined, and beautiful. And make no mistake; Venus is very seductive during this transit. When Venus is in the sign ruled by Mars, her male counterpart, she gains the energy to go out and get what she wants. During this transit we find ourselves being lured into the sensual world of desire, pleasure, aesthetics, physical sensations and the financial realm.

Friends, Now that the cosmic energy has changed I have decided to travel the country and visit many places with my RV whom I have affectionately named Monica (brand of RV Monaco Windsor). I will be looking forward to meeting many of you on my travels and will offer personal reading on my bus along with giving short lectures about the cosmic trends, teaching astrology, and sharing some life skills to get you through the next few years. I will be posting where I will be visiting ahead of on my social media platform (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). For those of you not living in the states I will try and video some of the interaction and post it on my platforms. I will begin my journey in Roswell, NM the week of March 13-19, 2023. If you are in the area stop by and stay hi.

Hope to see many of you soon!

 February 2023 Video Horoscopes

Have a great month!

Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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