November 2019 Astrology Overview

October 31, 2019
Joseph Anthony

2019 is quickly coming to a close. This month provides one last look at the past year before we venture off into new territory in 2020. The month begins with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio until November 20th. We also have a tough alignment between Mars and Pluto which may irritate us a bit, but we also have a very inspiring transit between Saturn and Neptune to provide a little more hope and faith with our purpose. This month’s Full Moon in Taurus will help us turn our dreams into reality because it activates the Saturn sextile Neptune. The second half of November becomes much more optimistic when the Sun and New Moon highlight the feel-good sign of Sagittarius….Plus; Neptune finally comes out of retrograde to unlock our imaginations.

We begin the month on a high note as Venus enters Sagittarius on November 1st.Venus is the planet that describes what makes us feel happy and content. When she moves into Sagittarius, we can expect to feel a more playful, exuberant energy. Sagittarius is full of zest and excitement, so Venus here is in love with fun and games. A wide variety of playthings is an absolute necessity. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, meaning that flexibility is combined with brilliant display. Like a spreading wildfire, it’s here, it’s there, and it’s everywhere. And Venus here thrives on chasing the flames as they jump from tree to tree.
Don’t expect to make any permanent commitments while Venus is in Sagittarius. Having the freedom to roam is of paramount importance as our lady of love rides away on the back of her seductive centaur.

While the first few days of the month can be playful, a challenge may arise on November 5th as self-assertive Mars squares powerful Pluto. Mars has been visiting the sign of Libra, a placement it really does not like, so we’ve been feeling a bit more uncertain about our relationships and self-worth over the past few weeks. With Mars in a weakened state squaring Pluto this transit could indicate power struggles and confrontations. This is because we may find ourselves trying to gain control over others, or of situations. We may also notice a need to climb the ladder and achieve a more powerful position in our profession. Even if we chose to play it safe, we may have to deal with other people trying to dominate us or challenge our ego or position at work. My suggestion is to try and avoid ruthlessness, jealousy and underhand tactics. Also, try not to be overly assertive or make others feel threatened. This especially applies to superiors or those in a position of authority. People with more power than you will have the upper hand during this transit, so now is not the time to be starting fights and making enemies.

Magical inspiration arrives on November 8th when Saturn sextile Neptune. This is the third time this year this alignment is in effect. The last two times were January 31st and June 16th. What were you inspired by back then? What visions of purpose did you have? Meaning of life, etc? This transit can bring material gain from spiritual pursuits but only if we put the effort in. We can make our dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach. We will understand our own limitations but will be optimistic at the same time. We will also gain a deeper understanding of our spiritual goals and how they fit into the bigger picture. Spiritual wisdom brings patience and self-discipline to sacrifice short-term gratification for long-term success. We can also help make other people’s dream come true now through practical help and through spiritual support and encouragement.

We will be determined to go after what we want on November 12th when the Full Moon highlights the material and sensual sign of Taurus. The Full Moon in Taurus occurs when the Sun is in Scorpio, around mid-autumn. The Sun in Scorpio is intricate, while the Moon in Taurus is simplistic. This creates a great counterbalance in energy, taking out the complicated and mysteries energies that are at play during this time. Both signs are very tenacious when goals and desires are involved. This Full Moon has the added bonus of activating the Saturn Neptune alignment to help us attain our goals even more. A Taurus Full Moon is a great reminder that by paying attention to our senses — what we can touch, taste, smell, and feel — we can ground ourselves and make life simple again.

Intensity and drive returns on November 18th when Mars enters Scorpio. As one of the rulers of the fixed water sign of Scorpio, Mars is completely at home here. When you think of Mars, think of all those strong things that men do. They wrestle. They play football. They fight. They lift weights. They strut. They have sex for the sake of sex. I’m sure you can add lots of things to the list. The point is, when this masculine energy combines with the intensity of Scorpio, we care deeply about all of these things. Issues take on a life and death importance. We take everything personally. We obsess over everything. We get possessive and jealous. Half-hearted does not happen here. Scorpio is also a sign of precision and deep perception. If we can get past its tendency to sulk and throw tantrums over not getting our way, the presence of Mars here can provide some powerful insights and intense concentration. And, we’ll have the energy to really push to get things done.

On November 20th Mercury goes direct in Scorpio. For a few days before and after this turnaround of Mercury we may find that we can’t seem to get anything done on the project that you have been concentrating so intensely on. Things you think of and suggest meet with inaction at every turn. Don’t let it bother you. It’s just a respite from heavy duty thinking. In a few days, your mental batteries will be recharged and you will make great forward strides once again.

Optimism and adventure increase on November 22nd as the radiant Sun enters Sagittarius. As we move toward the end of the year, the Sun moves into Sagittarius, sign of the Centaur – half man and half horse. The man half aims his arrows high while the horse half carries him from one adventure to another. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, full of energy and curiosity and a need to roam free.

While the Sun is in Sagittarius, we tend to focus on lofty principles and on enthusiastically leading the way. We want to share our profound wisdom with those around us — as long as they don’t try to tie us down. “Don’t fence me in” comes directly from the heart of Sagittarius.

Our relationships become serious business on November 25th when Venus enters Capricorn. Venus’s move into Capricorn brings with it an efficient, practical feeling. The sign Venus is traveling through describes what kind of things we like and what makes us feel comfortable. In Capricorn what makes us comfortable are things that are useful and functional. No extra frills. When it comes to expressing the love so deeply associated with Venus, Capricorn sees your willingness to help get some work done as the true meaning of love. Don’t bother with all that hugging and kissing stuff. Until the job is finished, that is.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, combining the desire to initiate things with the depth and breadth of the physical world. It deals with the running of business, of understanding how to make the cogs of the wheel go around and how to get them into the wheel so they will. It’s the sign of the Boss, the Manager, and the Leader. When Venus visits this sign she brings a softer touch to the management style. She talks softly but still carries a big stick. Venus in Capricorn is the ultimate Super Mom.

Opportunities to explore new territory are abound on November 26th as New Moon highlights the exploratory sign of Sagittarius. The New Moon in Sagittarius presents a favorable time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Archer:

• Increase understanding and awareness
• Courage to expand your horizons and branch out into new ways of thinking
• Gain more confidence and optimism by focusing on the “big picture”
• Transcend the details of mundane existence
• Work on positive thinking as a way of life
• Begin a new higher learning course
• Travel to distance places
• Faith, hope, and vision without overdoing one’s expectations

We can too easily get lost in the details of mundane existence. With this potent Sagittarius energy, we can find ways to transcend these details of day-to-day life and nurture our faith, hope, and vision. Because Sagittarius thinks in big terms, we may have a tendency to overdo our expectations, especially with a quincunx from electric Uranus to the New Moon. It’s time to be a little more adventurous, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our braveries, as little or big as they may be, in approximately two weeks’ time after the Full Moon occurs.

Finally, our imaginations receive a boost on November 27th when mystical Neptune goes direct in Pisces. Neptune is the planet of spirituality, love, dreams and illusion, and the big blue planet will be hanging out in romantic and magical Pisces until 2025, so these energies aren’t going anywhere for a long period of time. Neptune moved into Pisces back in 2011, so while many of us are feeling that we still have so much to work on or accomplish in terms of our lives and love, this transit will show us just how far we have come, so there’s no reason to ever fear the future.


Psychic Astrologer

Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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