November 2023 Astrology Overview & Video Horoscopes

October 24, 2023
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
The tidal wave of energy from last month is now behind us. After October’s two strong eclipses, November will be a fresh canvas. It may feel like we’re recovering from a hangover, so take it as a chance to be honest and reflect. November is an invitation to set aside conditioned beliefs and explore the freedom found in nuance and contradiction. As fallen leaves turn into fertile soil, this month symbolizes growth and rebirth, an evolving soul that embraces the beauty of change.

This month offers us a chance to embrace our shadow self thanks to several planets making their way through in-depth Scorpio. Opportunities for positive growth and good news abound, but the coming month also brings with it some eventful cosmic weather, especially around the New Moon. We have to roll with the punches as Mars, the planet of conflict and impulse, throws curveballs at Uranus, the planet of surprises and chaos, bringing in some heavy tension into our lives. The best thing you can do, even if it feels difficult at first, is not to feel triggered and to see every situation as a blessing that redirects us. Know that you are destined to grow and prosper.

As the month unfolds Saturn the taskmaster begins to go direct in Pisces on November 4th. Saturn reminds us of reality and the need for greater self-discipline. Re-organizing the areas of life represented by the sign and house placement it travels through. Pisces is the sign of imagination and spirituality, now that Saturn will be moving forward in this sign once again, we have a greater ability to manifest our visions of the future. We’re also assessing whether our systems are working regarding how we manage our downtime, approach spirituality, and exercise compassion.

Our focus shifts to relationships on November 8th when Venus enters her home sign of Libra. This sign is associated with partnerships, justice, fairness, and balance. Anything to do with the crudeness of confrontation is to be avoided at all costs. Libra is an air sign, so its energy is light and quick. When Venus, our goddess of love, is in Libra, she brings us a sense of peace and calm. She wants to make others happy and is more than willing to compromise, sometimes to her own detriment. It is easy to see the other person’s point of view while Venus is in Libra. It’s also easy to be beguiled by a smooth talker. So be fair and be kind, but don’t give away the farm.

Our minds will be on overload on November 10th as Mercury blasts into Sagittarius. As the God of messages enters the sign of wisdom and philosophy, we all start thinking a little broader and smarter. Words will fly as Mercury’s winged feet combine with the prancing hooves of Sagittarius. For the next couple of weeks, refrains of “it’s the principle of the thing” will surely echo throughout the mountaintops. Just don’t shoot yourself in the foot over it. There’s no beating around the bush when Mercury moves through fiery Sagittarius.

This month’s New Moon on November 13th will highlight the powerful and transformative sign of Scorpio. The New Moon in Scorpio marks the beginning of a new cycle, presenting an opportune time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of this sign; passionate, resourceful, focused, probing, depth, and intuition. It’s conjunct Mars and opposite Uranus, suggesting a strong drive to push forward with new beginnings, with rather erratic and rebellious energy.

This Scorpio lunation cycle favors working on our self-mastery skills. We may want to pinpoint those things that make us feel out of control, such as addictions and debts, and work on freeing ourselves of these emotional burdens. Since Scorpio energy is related to psychology, this will also be an opportune time for exploring what is missing in our lives that leads us to engage in these self-destructive behaviors.

Scorpio’s superpower involves learning to dig deeper into the mysteries around us instead of always being content with the status quo. Taking the time to understand others’ motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and meaning. It can also be a time to seek ways to release our fear of confrontations and heavy emotional situations. We’re discovering that although they may be uncomfortable, these situations can lead us toward psychological healing.

As we move toward the last month of the year, the Sun moves into Sagittarius on November 22nd. This sign is represented by a Centaur that is half man and half horse. The man half aims his arrows high while the horse half carries him from one adventure to another. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign, full of energy and curiosity and a need to roam free. While the Sun is in Sagittarius, we tend to focus on lofty principles and on enthusiastically leading the way. We want to share our profound wisdom with those around us while seeking to find greater meaning and understanding.

We will seek out even more adventurous activities on November 24th when action-oriented Mars enters over-optimistic Sagittarius. Mars will stay in until Sagittarius until January 4, 2024. We are bothered by routine, quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of exploration, and of conquest–this is the position of wanderlust. We start projects or challenges with gusto, although we may tend to abandon them rather quickly. This may be because we set our sights too high! There is a tendency to jump in and think about it later. Part of us resist directions, instructions, and planning ahead during this transit.

Our curiosity will be heightened even more with the Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th. This Full Moon is about communication, attitude, and a sense of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Over the next two weeks, we will discover what this means for us. For now, we can’t sit on our feelings. We need to express them. This Full Moon is aligned with Mars via the Sun and square to Saturn. There can be a real desire to master a situation, but some blocks or obstacles to overcome as well.

November 2023 Video Horoscopes

Have a wonderful month folks!

Joseph P. Anthony


By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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