
October 2017 Astrology Newsletter

October 2017 Astrology Newsletter

Get ready for a transformational month where we begin to go deep within the psyche and question everything from our purpose in life to relationship interactions. This month is full of extra opportunities to purge items, beliefs, dynamics, that are no longer in...

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September 2017 Astrology

September 2017 Astrology

Hi Friends, I hope last month’s tidal wave of cosmic energy was put to some good use. The two very powerful eclipses marked a turning point in our evolution as they opened several doorways for necessary changes and setting meaningful intentions; so if you haven’t done...

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August 2017 Astrology for the Month

August 2017 Astrology for the Month

Powerful cosmic changes are in store this month as two eclipses and a few retrograde planets have us coming and going. At the beginning of August, Uranus turns retrograde in Aries and will be asking us to break old habits. At the end of the month, Saturn turning...

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