December 2017 Astrology

December 01, 2017
Joseph Anthony

We are going to take one last look at 2017 this month before we begin the New Year thanks to Mercury going retrograde and a Full Moon at the beginning of the month that is sure to shake things up. On the positive side though, December will bring about ample amounts of spiritual energy that is very much needed. These changes and shifts are really going to help shower us with a new energy and a new outlook for the year ahead. With four planets transiting the fiery sign of Sagittarius, December 2017 is a dynamic month.

If we also think about the fact that exuberant Jupiter is in passionate Scorpio and will be joined by fiery Mars on December 9th, then we can say that December is full of blustering, impetuous, untamed energies. There is also a Jupiter-Neptune trine that will be in affect throughout the month adding an idealistic dimension, of a highly romantic and optimistic nature. During the above-mentioned transits, the name of the game is enthusiasm, confidence, and the sense that anything is possible. But we can also encounter carelessness, foolishness, and imprudence. Due to that, in order to experience only the positive influences and steer clear of the negative ones, it would be best that – before we start doing anything important – we carefully evaluate our resources and analyze the risk/benefit ratio.

All the fun begins on December 3rd when the last Full Moon for 2017, falls in the air sign of Gemini, the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. This Full Moon is also a Super Moon, which means its energy is going to be amplified. Because of this, the moon itself will appear at least 14 percent larger and a lot brighter than usual during this time. Even though December’s Full Moon is an extremely powerful Super Moon, the presence of Mercury retrograde is going to be holding the energy back and slowing down how it is delivered to us. During this time, we may feel like we are taking two steps forward and one step back. We may also feel a bit stuck or stagnant. It is important to honor this energy however, for it seems that this Full Moon may be helping to bring things to the surface.

If there are things that you need to hear or even secrets that need to be revealed, this Full Moon is definitely going to be shining a light so you can see the truth. This Full Moon is all about illuminating the truth, especially when it comes to how you communicate, and your true motives and intentions. If you or someone you know has been holding back the truth or doing things for the wrong reasons, this Full Moon may force things to rise up to the surface. Because the full moon is going to be in Gemini we will be experiencing a shift that we are not quite used to. Trickster energy will be running rampant if you do not prepare yourself beforehand. The planet that is going to be in retrograde is Mercury. Mercury is also the ruling planet of the Gemini for those who were not aware.

A retrograde is something that happens when a planet appears to be moving backward from our vantage point here on planet Earth. While it looks as if it is moving backward really is not. Mercury turns retrograde around 3 or 4 times each year and this is something that lasts for a few weeks. Yes, that means the energy coming from this retrograde will not merely fade away with the Full Moon. When a planet is in retrograde it seems the things that planet rules over are thrown off as well. This is especially important to touch on as Mercury rules the Gemini. When this retrograde first begins to hit we will go through what is essentially a shadow period. Most people do not begin to experience the effects of the retrograde of Mercury until it reaches its second stage; the storm.

And speaking of storms…Mars enters Scorpio on December 9th raising the intensity level to new heights. As one of the rulers of the fixed water sign of Scorpio, Mars is completely at home here. When you think of Mars, think of all those strong things that men do. They wrestle. They play football. They fight. They lift weights. They strut. They have sex for the sake of sex. I’m sure you can add lots of things to the list. The point is, when this masculine energy combines with the intensity of Scorpio, we care deeply about all of these things. Issues take on a life and death importance. We take everything personally. We obsess over everything. We get possessive and jealous. Half-hearted does not happen during this transit. Scorpio is also a sign of precision and deep perception. If we can get past its tendency to sulk and throw tantrums over not getting our way, the presence of Mars here can provide some powerful insights and intense concentration. And, we’ll have the energy to really push to get things done.

We will be planting seeds of optimism on December 17th when the New Moon in Sagittarius begins a new emotional cycle. This lunation is asking us to allow ourselves to leave the painful parts of our pasts behind so we can visualize a bigger and brighter future. This idealistic outlook doesn’t match the realities of everyone’s life. Many people are suffering in economic, emotional, physical, and spiritual ways. It’s not difficult to find areas of frustration and fear inside us and in the environment around us. The Sagittarius New Moon offers us hope, and all the wonderful things that hope brings. Instead of seeing a situation as it is, you will be able to imagine what your situation could be.

The big news this month is Saturn entering its own sign of Capricorn on December 19th. As Saturn enters Capricorn, the feeling is a heavy one, bent on getting the job done. Physical energy is needed to till the soil so it can produce the corn. The work is work of survival. The jobs are enormous. They’re the kind that takes hundreds of people to accomplish and affect thousands of people. Even if your particular job isn’t leading the pack on that, it feels like it is. Whatever you do during this period is monumental to you. Capricorn is the manager of the universe and Saturn is the pay master. Saturn is so comfortable with the Capricorn energy that he rules this industrious sign. Between the two of them, they will get the job done. The lesson here is about the need for organization and to hone our skills at doing it. That includes managing the people who work for you in such a manner that it improves both the efficiency of the work and the lives of the workers.

On December 21th the Sun enters Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice in the North Hemisphere. As the Sun moves into the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn, we feel the calming energy of the earth and the need to take care of business. During this transit, we’ll feel the urge to get started on practical, heavy duty projects. This is a serious, no-frills kind of energy. A sense of being responsible and reliable fills the air. We become cautious and keenly aware of the need for safety and security. The sign of Capricorn relates to the process of managing things — businesses, projects, and people. It’s the director, putting all the pieces in the right places. The payoff is big if you do it right.

Our mental clarity begins to improve on December 22nd when Mercury goes direct in Sagittarius. Having spent some time rejuvenating your brain and your body, it’s time to think about getting back to work. Lots of exciting new ideas are spinning around in your head by now. Think about them, talk about them, and get started! Last be not least, Venus enters Capricorn on December 24th. When the Goddess of Love enters Capricorn she brings fourth efficient and practical feelings. The sign Venus is traveling through describes what kind of things we like and what makes us feel comfortable. In Capricorn what makes us comfortable are things that are useful and functional. No extra frills. When it comes to expressing the love so deeply associated with Venus, Capricorn sees your willingness to help get some work done as the true meaning of love. Don’t bother with all that hugging and kissing stuff. Until the job is finished, that is.


Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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