June 2021 Astrology Overview

May 30, 2021
Joseph Anthony

Hi Friends,
Hope all is well in your world. This month we find ourselves in the eye of a cosmic storm. As June begins we are sandwiched between last month’s Lunar Eclipse and this month’s Solar Eclipse so the energy can be quite unsettling. On top of that, Mercury is retrograde dragging our thoughts and experiences back into the past. We continue to find ourselves questioning our beliefs and trying to figure out what the future holds. Nothing will be what it seems at first impression. In many ways, it is advised to lie low and watch what the Universe brings to your doorstep rather than racing onward into the hurricane. Surprises and unexpected events are likely, but with retrogrades encouraging us to readdress situations from the past, we may be able to glean new insight regarding how to proceed on our journey.

We begin the month with in Mercury Retrograde which began on May 29th and continues until June 22nd. Mercury loves to be within its home zodiac sign of Gemini, but with it being “asleep,” the confusion will be much more pronounced. During this reversal, we will face a tremendous amount of hiccups in all areas of communications, as emails bounce, technology fails, and we misinterpret information that comes our way. With the Sun now moving through Gemini we will be eager to connect with others, but find that our minds are rushed and we are not paying attention to the details. However, this is an excellent month to review our plans and see how we’re interacting with others.

And speaking of others, the planet of relationships and partners, Venus, switches signs twice in June, this is sure to bring up some relationship issues for many. We will also have macho Mars changing signs by mid-month as well. He will be moving out of the watery realm of Cancer and into the fiery arena of Leo.

But the really big news this month is the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th that will blast open a doorway into ideas and expression. This is the second chapter in this particular storybook. Look back to what occurred around November 30, 2020, as similar themes will likely rise up. This will push the story forward one more piece. With this Gemini lunation, this energy will be infused with lots of the cosmic mojo. Gemini is a zodiac sign that craves communication, stimulation, and adventure, so we will collectively feel this resonate within our lives and those around us.

However, one of the major planetary challenges of the year will take place once again this month. Saturn in Aquarius will collide with Uranus in Taurus for the second time this year. This is the second square alignment between these two heavy weights with the third one occurring in December. This transit reflects the societal and personal change, instability, and even volatility that we’ve see at the beginning of 2021. This is a cosmic wildcard where we will crave transformation and freedom, but find that there is immense resistance to our desires.

Rounding things off, beginning June 20th, the radiate Sun will turn a corner and enter the sensitive world of Cancer. This officially marks the Summer Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere, ushering in a new season. At this time, we will be encouraged to assess our emotional stability and security and make sure we stand upon solid ground as we continue to forge ahead with our goals.

On June 2nd emotions and partnerships take center stage as Venus will enter Cancer to stay until June 27th. Venus loves to be in Cancer, as she can exhibit her sensitive, emotional, and sensual nature so easily. Romance is tender during this transit and we will feel highly protective of everyone we care deeply for. We will feel drawn to attach ourselves to people and planes that we are especially devoted and loyal to. Affection and cuddling will infiltrate your heart and you will feel eager to bring your heart and body close to someone who values you.

Our desire to connect and communicate with others goes way up on June 10th when the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini is activated. This Solar Eclipse, like a Lunar Eclipse, are powerful events that open the door to a new energy. This Gemini lunation opens up a new cosmic doorway over the next six months to a year. We will be drawn to express ourselves verbally or through writing to better relay a highly important message or idea to the world. We will also feel an incredible need to step outside of our comfort zones and to connect with other people. Gemini is a social zodiac sign, so we will be eager to relate to those who we know and meet along the way.

Beginning June 11th, the red planet, Mars, will ascend into Leo and will remain there until July 29, 2021. Mars burns especially bright here; as Leo’s fervent fuel ignites it so very well. During this time, the need for self-expression we will become especially theatrical, passionate, and vivacious. We will be prone to dramatic expressions of who we are and what we want, as we are driven to be over the top. Our sex drive, charm, and confidence will soar and we will harness the strength to charge after our biggest goals. This period will be fantastic to pursue our romantic and creative desires, so prepare for the summer heat! Our social lives will prosper and we will surely feel happier than recent times. Singles must be on the lookout for love, while anyone seeking a social life will see it flourish. Be bold. Be a star. Show the world what you’ve got and roar.

On June 20-21 marks the beginning of the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) as the Sun enters Cancer and Jupiter begins its reversal period. Our Great Benefic, Jupiter, continues to swim in the tropical seas of Pisces. This began on May 13th and will continue until July 28, 2021. While this may seem like a shorter transit, it is because our planet of miracles will begin a retrograde cycle and return to Aquarius from July 28th until December 28th.

While Jupiter retrogrades through Pisces, we have a greater chance to connect with our own spirits. Instead of healing others, we can heal ourselves. Personal healing is not easy work, but Jupiter Retrograde pushes us to ask the difficult questions we may have been avoiding, which will, in turn, promote the growth that Jupiter is known for. We can no longer escape our fears while Jupiter retrogrades through Pisces; instead, we have the chance to face them and overcome them, coming out stronger, happier, and more whole on the other side.

Our communication begins to become clearer on June 22nd when Mercury goes Direct in Gemini. We can start getting back to thinking straight and talking like mad. Undoubtedly, the phone will be ringing again, too. You should finally be able to get the right words out of your mouth to describe whatever you’ve been mulling over in your mind in the past few weeks. If you’ve been able to avoid making any decisions on important things during that time, you can be fairly confident that now is the time to make them.

This month’s Full Moon on June 24th will highlight the responsible sign of Capricorn. Full Moons bring culminations, achievements, endings, and turning points dependent on where they fall for your birth chart. With this lunation being in Capricorn, it will turn our attention collectively to our ambitions and goals. We will be highly focused on our ultimate plans for the future. Capricorn is an Earth sign, which forces us to be practical, realistic, and grounded above all. This lunation will begin to be felt two days prior but last for several days after it reaches its crescendo. Full Moons give us an opportunity to make an important choice rapidly and conclude a matter before we move forward on our path once again.

And finally, on June 27th, our beloved planet of pleasure and beauty, Venus, will be on the move once again as she enters the flamboyant sign of Leo. We will be bolder in pursuing our heart’s desires and plans. In Leo, our radiant goddess planet will inspire us to create the love story of our dreams and express our affection through grand gestures. Now is one of the best times of the year for singles to connect with new options as Venus feels especially fired up during this transit. Venus will leave Leo on July 21st, where she will move onto the pastures of Virgo.




Astrologer Psychic

Joseph P. Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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