March 2020 Astrology Overview

February 29, 2020
Joseph Anthony

They’ll be lots of compassion and feeling this month as the radiant Sun makes its way through ultra-sensitive Pisces until March 20th. This sign represents our spiritual nature and altered states of reality. Each time during this year when the Sun transits this sign we may find ourselves thinking more about sleep, meditation, prayer, alcohol, drugs, food, and addictions, in order to cope with feeling vulnerable. We seek to escape these feelings through a trance-like state that will allow us to escape from the harshness of this reality. On the positive side, the Sun in Pisces allows us to forgive and to realize we are much more than just our minds and physical bodies. The second half of the month the energy shifts into high gear as our momentum increases to explore new territory.

We also have two sign changes this month; on March 4th Venus enters her home sign of Taurus increasing the need for sensuality and comfort. On March 21st Saturn finally leaves Capricorn and enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius for the first time in about 29 years. Saturn changes signs every 2.5 years and when it does, it creates a ripple and shift in the cosmos that we all feel. Saturn is known for boundaries and limitations, while Aquarius is known for its rebelliousness and futuristic views. During this transit the theme will be “Structured Innovation”. On March 9th the Full Moon in Virgo will be illuminating and uncovering some new truths or realizations, on the next day Mercury finally goes direct in Aquarius helping us to bring more clarity to our thinking.

On March 19-20, we have the Spring Equinox (North Hemisphere) with the Sun entering Aries. This shift also signals the start of a new astrological year. This will be an important Equinox because of the massive conjunct between Mars, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. We can expect some significant news or headlines with regards to corruption, scandals, power structures, stocks market concerns and political shenanigans that may be so big that we can’t avoid them. Unfortunately, this transit will certainly bring out feelings of frustration in many people.

As the month begins Mercury retrogrades into Aquarius on March 4th. After a brief foray into the Piscean land of thinking with our hearts, Mercury’s continued back peddling takes it into the Aquarian land of invention once again. It’s time to pick up the trail of those elusive new concepts once again. Only now, we are revisiting ones we thought we had all figured out and were done with. Mercury has been moving quite slowly and I’m sure we’re all tired about thinking about those ideas. We know they’re good, but bringing them into reality is another story. Some of the pieces are still missing and you’ll be thinking about them in the middle of the night again.


Later on March 4th, Venus enters her home sign of Taurus. Venus represents romance, partnerships and the material side of life. When you think of Venus in Taurus, think of the fine elegant women you know. Think of how easily beauty comes to them, in all aspects of their life. Think of how they know exactly what to say at just the right time. How the colors they choose are exactly right.

While Venus moves through Taurus, one of the signs she rules, our minds are on romance, partnership potentials, business endeavors, and making our lives a more beautiful. Taurus is a sign of the earth. It is heavy and warm. Lush flowers and forests grow in its fertile valleys. It is solid and endures forever. While Venus is in Taurus, we all get to indulge our fancies and maybe even acquire a few long lasting memories all the way.

Our minds will be super-active on March 9th when the Full Moon highlights the sign of Virgo. Even though Virgo is a practical earth sign, Mercury’s influence here will have us concerned with every detail of our emotional well being. This lunation will have us cutting through the clutter and trying to figure out what is useful and what is not, what is true or what is not, all that is wrong and what is right. The keyword for this sign is “I analyze” When the Moon is in Virgo, we may feel more motivated to take our health more seriously too. We’ll focus our attention on diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new fitness regimen. Don’t be afraid to get out and flex those muscles and move your energy. Because the Sun is in the sign of Pisces during this Full Moon, this is a time when we may find ourselves getting lost in our imaginations, and find ourselves dreaming about the future. The energy of this Virgo Full Moon helps us balance this out by bringing us back to reality, and showing us how we can make these fantasies a reality.

Fortunately Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on March 10th. A breath of fresh air sweeps in to clear our minds and set our ideas free. We’ve been dealing with building the concepts and putting things together for a long time now and we’ve finally got it together. The house in your chart where this change of direction falls will tell you what your own unique masterpiece is about. The Mercury momentum continues on March 16th when it re-enters Pisces. Forget about exercising your brain for a while and just let it be. Whatever you need to know now will just come to you when you are not trying to find it.

The energy shifts in a big way on March 20th when the Sun enters Aries.  Aries is a cardinal fire sign that springs upon us in a burst of exuberant energy – it is the doer, the initiator, the aggressor. The Sun is the source of all life in our universe. Without it, none of us would be here. It represents the desire to live, the craving to exist, the will to “make something happen. When you combine that urge with the fire of Aries, there’s going to be a lot of physical activity going on. As this month goes by and Aries energy winds down, we may get a little worn out from all this running around.


Restrictions are lifted on March 21st when Saturn enters Aquarius. The change of energy will be evident almost immediately with Saturn’s move into Aquarius, it may feel like a tremendous weight being lifted from our shoulders. Saturn is easy in Aquarius. It’s putting work together with seeing the light. You can save the world with this energy.


The last time this transit occurred was about 1991-1993. Aquarius rules humanity, technology, space, science, electricity, and innovation. In fact, the beginning of the Internet was roughly in 1991. This was the vision of connecting people with each other through computers over miles of cable. The physical work of getting the cables connected the mental work of getting the initial programs written so computers could talk to one another. By the year 2000, our world has been transformed. And still there is no end in sight. During this transit we will see technology continue to revolutionize our lives. The possibilities are endless.

A powerful super conjunction highlights Capricorn on March 22-23rd when Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn team up. This trio will give us an incredibly strong desire to achieve our goals. Strength, passion, ego, and courage are on steroids during this transit. This is the type of energy that breaks barriers. Personal relationships can be volatile unless we harness this intense energy. We may find ourselves quickly expressing our angry or frustration. To enjoy healthy relationships we must transform that raw primal energy to a higher level by working to help and heal others. We have the ability to rapidly evolve through selfless actions. We can still be ambitious and aim for the top.

This aspect does support success and prominence but the fewer people you have to trample to get to the top the better. Mars conjunct Pluto transits can bring an incredible increase in ambition, sex drive and lust for power. A tendency toward selfishness can lead to ruthless behavior and even violence if something stands in the way. This is a good time to work independently on something you are passionate about. You will have the endurance and strength to succeed at difficult tasks. A burst of creativity can be used to make major transformations in your life.



This month’s New Moon on March 24th also inspires action and change.  A New Moon in Aries is a powerful time for personal development and bringing with it the energy of fresh starts, new beginnings and setting intentions for the next month or longer. Aries is the fiery first sign of the zodiac, focused on taking action and taking no prisoners. During this lunation we will find ways to learn how to rely on ourselves and to be happy about doing so it will go a long way towards finding inner happiness. When you know that you can be self-sufficient without blaming others for not helping us out; we revitalize ourselves through experiences that break the routine and involve doing something new and fresh; like starting a brand new project.

Lastly, our actions turn towards socializing, networking and thought when Mars enters Aquarius on March 30th. Mars in the fixed air sign of Aquarius combines speed and energy with the ability to comprehend a mountain of information. Because of that, it usually includes an absolute sense of being right. Much of the time that will be true, too, but we need to watch out for overconfidence in that regard. Although they’ll never admit it, even Aquarians can make mistakes.

Have a wonderful month!


Joseph Anthony

By Joseph Anthony

Joseph has been a leading Psychic and Professional Astrologer for more than 20 years. He has been featured on countless television and radio programs and has been the astrologer of choice for many noted athletes and celebrities. Joseph helps create understanding about the importance of the core of our soul and aids in the comprehension of the symbols of our sub-conscious through the use of Astrology.

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1 Comment

  1. Christel Heugly

    Thank you for all the information!


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