Hi Friends, We begin the month still feeling the effects of the March 31st Blue Moon in Libra which will be influencing us to find balance when it comes to our mind, bodies, and souls. This need for balance is going to be important for the month of April as there is...
March 2018 Astrology Overview
Hi All, We have another interesting month ahead. March has always been a pivotal month where we see many changes occurring in nature as well the start of the astrological New Year. The astrological year is signified by the Sun’s movement through the twelve zodiac...
February 2018 Astrology & Overview
2018 started with a bang! More exactly with a Full Moon in Cancer which was also a Super Moon. January ended with a second Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Leo. Not only did we have two Full Moons instead of one within one month, but what made January so special is that...
2018 Astrology Overview
Welcome to 2018, a year where we will find ourselves taking a long hard look at our futures while being very practical about the decisions we make. In the year ahead we will need to put in the extra effort if we are to be rewarded for hard work and accomplishments. We...
December 2017 Astrology
We are going to take one last look at 2017 this month before we begin the New Year thanks to Mercury going retrograde and a Full Moon at the beginning of the month that is sure to shake things up. On the positive side though, December will bring about ample amounts of...
November 2017 Astrology Newsletter & Video Horoscopes
The slow transformation continues this month as several planets make their way through Scorpio, the sign that represents death and rebirth. We've all been sensing these changes on some level, it almost feels like were going through troubled times, but I can assure you...