June 2020 Astrology Overview

Hi Friends, As you can tell it seems like most of humanity has lost its sense of reality these days. One of the obvious reasons is the virus, but the other factor is the tremendous amount of astrological movement in 2020. Many astrologers including myself have tried...

May 2020 Astrology Overview

Hi Friends, What a strange time we’re living in….at times it feels like we’re in the twilight zone. I did mention at the beginning of 2020 that it was going to be a significant year for change and so far it hasn’t disappointed. This is definitely a game-changing year...

March 2020 Astrology Overview

They’ll be lots of compassion and feeling this month as the radiant Sun makes its way through ultra-sensitive Pisces until March 20th. This sign represents our spiritual nature and altered states of reality. Each time during this year when the Sun transits this sign...
February 2020 Astrology Overview

February 2020 Astrology Overview

Here we are in the second month of 2020. The changes continue as the Sun makes its way through the think-outside-the- box sign of Aquarius. When the Sun visits this sign we feel as if we need to be different with expected surprises and originality. February will feel...